Thursday, December 17, 2009

31 Days of Wishes: Day 17

My wish for today comes coutesy of a blog that I follow:  My wish is that we all take some time during the holiday season to reflect on this and reach out to someone and be a blessing in their life. 

"I was thinking how busy we all are at Christmas time with our families, friends, shopping, parties and exciting plans. It is so easy to forget people who maybe aren't quite as busy as we'd like to believe we are, or are at a different stage in their lives.

Maybe just take a moment, and ask God to reveal to you who you need to remember. Who might be feeling forgotten or forsaken this Christmas season. Who could be blessed by hearing from you and being reminded of a few things.

That you are thinking of them. That you care. And that they are way too important to ever be forgotten." -


  1. Thanks SO much for reading my blog in the first place...and secondly for finding something that encouraged you- wow...that totally encouraged ME! God bless- Christine

  2. Christine,

    Thanks for leaving me a comment.

    I really enjoy reading your blog!

