Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cassandra Rocks

I got home tonight and found this message on my Facebook wall from Cassie and it is too good not to share.  I can't begin to tell you how unbelievably inspired I am about Cassie running as a woman of the year candidate to support a cause that means so much to me!

We had a great meeting on Tuesday night and we are bursting with ideas.  

Cassie's core campaign team consists of the following people. 

Joni, Cassie's mom.  (Official campaign vehicle driver).  Cassie is 15 and needs an official vehicle and a driver. 
Ty, Cassie's best friend (Social Media campaign director)
Sue, my best friend and wife(Sue needs an official title)
Ross, (#1 Fan)  If Cassie had a Rock and Roll band, I am pretty sure I would be labeled as a groupie :)  Luckily, I get to claim the #1 Fan role!

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know what I am up to lately.  Please join me on a journey to saying yet to hope, to life, to a world without cancer.  Please join me, stop by and like my Facebook page, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society-Cassandra Perkins Rocks.  Standing in possibility and for the possibility of a world where cancer can't exist.  Being a voice for those that are touched by this disease.  ♥

Please check out the video on Youtube by clicking here. 

If you are on Facebook, please like Cassie's official page and get ready to rock!!! 

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