Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Unabated, the battle rages on

I received the sad news today from a fellow Team in training teammate that her patient hero Laiken Kenwood passed away yesterday afternoon at the age of 13.

I never had the honor of meeting Laiken, only knew a little bit about her story from Shayna who is walking for her at the Nike Women's marathon this fall in San Francisco.

How sad to face another loss of a beautiful young girl from this unrelenting disease that never takes a day off.

Please keep Laiken's family in your prayers.

I take comfort in knowing that Kelly most likely greeted Laiken at the gates of heaven and they are now best friends who are free of their cancer forever.

My heart remains steadfast for Kelly and now Laiken. I will continue to fight for them and honor their courage and their lives.

Love never ends, never.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kelly's special friend-Fenway Bark

I think this is a neat story. When Kelly and her family were at the Ronald Mcdonald house she made a special friend, Fenway Bark.
Fenway is a service dog that came to visit the families staying at the Ronald Mcdonald house. Fenway, like so many others , absolutely loved and adored Kelly. The night before Fenway was scheduled to visit, we made a special stop after dinner at a Petsmart where Kelly lovingly and carefully chose treats she thought Fenway would enjoy. I never knew a person could shop for so long at Petsmart. How Kelly loved to shop.
Fenway was a different dog around Kelly and her family much to her owners dismay. You would never know this was a trained service dog, acting much like my totally out of control, misbehaved dogs. My mom said she thinks dogs sense when people need extra love and it was obvious that Fenway loved Kelly and her family.
Fenway and his owner Louisa flew to Great Falls and then drove to Cut Bank for Kelly's service. Louisa bought a ticket for Fenway for the plane ride and sat in the seat next to her. How wonderful that was to have Fenway come for Kelly's service. That was such a touching moment. I think it speaks volumes about the way Kelly touched so many lives.
Thanks Fenway for the love and comfort you brought to Kelly and her family while they were separated from their dogs. Kelly had so many amazing friends. I am so glad I got to meet Fenway!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Surprise! Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

As I went to the doctor today, I was prepared to hear the news-You have a torn meniscus and will need surgery. You have to stop running right now. Totally prepared for that.

I was totally surprised to hear him say that I didn't need surgery, my knee actually looked good, no signs of arthritis. That was the good news , oh and by the way, I will give you an injection in your knee to try and calm the inflammation. Off he went to get to prepare the steroid injection. Didn't even have time to think about it.

The bad news is I have had chronic pain in my left knee since the middle of November last year. Off to physical therapy to try and resolve something called Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome(PFPS). I did a google search and found lots of information about the treatment and it is steeped in controversy. So much information available on the Internet. How do you determine what is true?

Good thing, is no surgery. That was quite welcome news. Last time I went to the doctor with a running injury, I found I had a stress fracture in my right foot. I had managed to break my foot while tapering for a marathon. That is still a painful memory.

Now starts the wait to get a prescription for therapy. How long until I actually begin rehab? In some ways the rehab makes everything a bit murkier. Do I keep running, do I stop, and if so for how long.

Doctors and Insurance companies add an extra layer to the challenge.

More to come on this topic.

Friday, April 4, 2008

My hero Kelly

This is my first post ever. Decided to also do some journaling as I work through my grieving process over Kelly.

For those of you that don't know, I have been one of Kelly's runners since 1999 from the Team in Training program for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

I have run 15 marathons in her honor and have also completed 3 century rides and two triathalons for her.

Kelly has been an amazing inspiration in my life and to everyone that knows her and to quite a few people that never met her, but have witnessed her faith and courage in a 12 year battle against Leukemia. Kelly left this world far too soon for me. I will miss her so much. She changed my life forever.

She is my hero and always will be.

About Me

My name is Ross, and I am someone who came to running later in life.

I am a Colorado native, happily married after 26 years to my wife Sue who is also my best friend,  and have been blessed with two wonderful children, Laura and Adam.

I enjoy running and cycling, Yoga, spending time with my family.

We live in Colorado with our 3 dogs and one very mean and unhappy cat.

I began running marathons for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in 1999 and had the course of my life completely changed by an act of serendipity when Kelly Grubb was assigned as the patient hero to my group.

Kelly and I became the best of friends over the next nine years of her cancer journey.

I began this blog in April of 2008, shortly after Kelly died after an almost twelve year battle with Leukemia.

I continue to run in her memory and also still in honor of this wonderful, amazing young lady that left my life and the people that loved her far too soon.

I continue to write about Kelly and other things of interest to me.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will visit often.