Friday, February 5, 2010

28 Days of Love: Day 5

I got a text message tonight from a dear friend of mine in California.
She had some news that she wanted to write about on her blog.

She didn't want me to find out that way.  She wanted me to know that she was okay, she wasn't freaking out and I shouldn't either.

I read her message while I was changing my clothes to go workout at 10:30 tonight.  I sat down on the bench, stunned.  I felt like crying.

We became friends through Kelly and Laiken.  They are our connectors.

I am sure my friend will be okay.  A little thing called cancer will not stop her.

Be intentional with the people in your life that you love.  Don't wait to tell them they are important to you.

Choose love.

Light, Love, Courage, Zen, Yoga and hugs...

1 comment:

  1. Ross,
    There are really no words to express my gratitude to you and your wife for you incredible encouragement and generosity. Its amazing how you can befriend people you've never met. I only hope one day I will meet you and be able to tell you in person how much you've touched my journey! I am very blessed!
    -Katye M.
