Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

Four months have passed since I  began this new season in my life.  My wife, Laura and Adam still love me through this period of transistion.

Being able to attend a coffee club job search group. It is wonderful how much support there is in the community for everyone that is dealing with difficult circumstances.

Actually enjoying a run today, feeling engaged while running, listening to the sound of my footstrikes, enjoying the beautiful blue skies and the snow capped mountains.

My awesome family.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

Thousands of runners that came out to support Mile High United Way before Thanksgiving dinner.

Being able to run in my 12th Turkey Trot.

Having Thanksgiving dinner with Sue's brothers.

A fun night playing Pictionary with Laura's boyfriend and his family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

Receiving an unexpected gift from a friend and a wish to fulfill for her in Paris.

The many blessings in my life and being able to notice how abundant they are.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thanfkul for:

The first responders who serve and protect us.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

The small group of  Team in Training runners who began the first day of training on a chilly morning for a spring marathon or 1/2 marathon.

A fun afternoon at Laser Tag with Omar and the Colorado Youth at Risk Men of Honor club and by the way, I suck at Laser Tag,

Stepping out of what is comfortable and eating some authentic Mexican food.   It is good to try on new things.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

My wife calling to tell me she loves me :)

Great conversation with one of the awesome Rocky Mountain Team in Training staff.

This great video I stumbled on today.   Great message!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

Having lunch with a friend who offered to teach me how to actually use my camera so I can take non blurry pictures!

The gift of time to move through this transition period in my life.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

All of the pets I have had in my life.

Finding that I do have a voice and it is okay to share it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

2,000 runners that came out to support the Fetal Hope Foundation, especially all of the young girls from

Girls on the Run.

Having a great conversation with the young person that I am mentoring.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

All of the people who donate their time, talent and treasury in the spirit of volunteerism.

I went to a 100 year celebration last night for the Dumb Friends League.  Last year the volunteers for this animal shelter donated 185,000 hours of their time to the shelter.  That equates to 94 full time employees for a year!

Never think that volunteering doesn't make a difference.

Whatever your passion is, get involved and serve. 

"Pick one cause that makes your blood boil and your heart ache and work to change it. Then, never give in. Never. Never. Never."-Eric Harr

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

Being able to reconncect with two of my favorite people at lunch.

Feeling sore from my Yoga class yesterday.

For another beautiful blue this morning.  What a treat it is to live in Colorado.

The love that lives on in my heart for Kelly :)

All the people in my life that support me and love me for my imperfections.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

The veterans and the current armed forces that have fought for and protected our freedoms.

If you know anyone that is currently serving or has served our country, please thank them for their service.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thirty Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

The wonderful feeling of the sun on yet another amazing fall day here in Colorado.

Spending a quiet afternoon with my wife.

This inspirational thought:

"Remember no one can take happiness from you! Its an inside job that can never go bad."-Sarah Ellen Stanley

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thirty Days of Thanks

I am late starting on the 30 Days of Thanks for November.  Please click here if you would like to join the thanfkulness revolution.

Today I am thankful for:

That I live in Colorado where I get to enjoy the sunshine and blue skies almost every single day.

That I can hang out with Laura and her friends after running or at Trivia and enjoy each other's company.

That Laura has signed up to run the Paris marathon with me for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

For the friendship I have with both Laura and Adam.  It such a blessing to be friends with my children.

My life.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 minute Q&A

As part of my messy writing campaign, thought I would put this out into the void of cyberspace.

I am participating in a tele-seminar series and my homework assignment for this week is to interview 5-10 people and ask two questions and my role is to simply accept the feedback, not to diminish or deflect, hide from the response and then journal about the experience.

1) What do you see as my greatest strengths and best qualities?

2) What do you see as my work in the world?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Make A Difference

Please click the link below to make a tax deductible donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of Kelly's life.

Running for Kelly in Paris